Monday, August 1, 2011

Culture and Etiquette part 2 or froth or no froth

Captain Corsair(my husband) and I were sitting enjoying our morning cup of coffee when the Captain glanced up at me with a white frothy moustache and asked my opinion on the depth of crema on a 'good' cappuccino. I really didn't know the  answer to his question so I played suitably dumb (not a difficult thing, I have found and ladies quite handy when dealing with the captain). Now let me explain; the Captain bless his p&q's fancies himself quite a barista and each morning and evening we indulge in an espresso, made with love by the Captain. This morning Captain Corsair stated that in his opinion, the mark of a 'good' coffee was the depth of creamy froth the barista managed to create. He liked to be able to eat his coffee with a spoon. As I have said I remained mute on the subject but it got me thinking. Although I like cappuccinos occasionally, my coffee of choice is a tall black-I like to savour the  aroma and enjoy the tastes of the different coffees. It occurred to me that the art of coffee making is much like that of marriage or any other task we undertake for that matter. It also pointed out how graphically different men and women are in their approach to these tasks.
     As I sat eye-balling my morning coffee and considering the vast differences between men and women, and I thought that when it all boils down life is really a froth or no froth situation isn't it?

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