Thursday, July 7, 2011

Culture and Etiquette

Tonight my husband and I have a date to watch the DVD version of Dr Zhivago. I am really fortunate that as a small child I was raised by parents who encouraged me to enter the world of culture and art. I am not referring to which knife and fork to use with which meal( however this was undoubtedly part of the teaching) no I refer to Theatre, musicals, ballet, live performances, art, singing and the list continues. This encouragement makes me what I am today- a writer. I love the plots the intrigue the characters that formulate a story. When I watch a movie, see a play, read a book I find myself breaking down the story into its various sub-plots. I analyse each character and reinventing them or deleting them altogether.
Imagine Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, without the white rabbit! 
Tomorrow my husband and I are going to see Dr Zhivago being perfumed on the stage in Brisbane. It will be interesting to see if Boris Pasternak's book is very different to the stage show. I'll let you know.