Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Laxettes and Chamomile Tea

24th January 2012
And so inevitably the old year rolls over and a new year takes its place. A new year with another set of resolutions to aspire to. We humans are a remarkably predictable lot, on the whole I find that resolutions don’t change all that much. In fact one could almost be tempted to give the whole New Year Resolutions thing a miss, excepting the fact that we are creatures of habit and we look to organise our whirlwind lives give some meaning to the sometimes perturbing events that go under the heading of ‘family life’.
So once again I find myself mentally listing the things that I wish to do with my life in 2012. Loose 10kg, thoroughly clean the office, do the ironing that I left over from last year,secretly get some Botox treatment, really get on with writing my novel, get my blogs up to date and comment on those blogs that I follow. It is all well intentioned but rather sad, as these were the last years resolutions too.
And whilst on the subject of passing years, I wonder if other more mature ladies like myself; find that due to the inevitable new year diet they are looking forward with pathetic enthusiasm to the nightly laxette chocolate.
And along with that new cleansing diet comes an abandonment of the daily shot of caffeine. Not to worry though this has been replaced by the always reliable Chamomile tea.
One could be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that New Years resolutions are not all they’re cracked up to be. However something to look forward to is an alcoholic beverage(for strickly medicinal purposes)before ones bedtime.