Saturday, April 23, 2011

Defining the difference between Crime Writer and Criminal.`

````Hello again! Calling all writers of crime, thrillers, mystery, and police procedural in fact at one stage or another every writer touches however briefly on some form of crime, so calling all writers. I give you a hypothetical situation: you are watching a re-run of Wire in the Blood for the umpteenth time and it get to the part where the cops raid the perps home and find amongst other incriminating paraphernalia a bookcase chockablock full of titles such as 'The Profile of a Serial Killer' or ' How Best to Dispose of a Rotting Corpse' or the murderer's choice ' The Life and Times of Ted Bundy'. Do you ever experience a twinge that could be misinterpreted as guilt by association? Does the contents of this criminal's bookcase remind you of the contents of your own? Ouch!
Okay lets view this pragmatically. Truth is whether we are writing non- fiction or fiction we rely a lot on reality, we research constantly, bringing ourselves up to date with and making ourselves aware of any incident or set of circumstances that might pertain to what ever we are writing at the moment. In a crime writers life that involves researching crime. Ditto! 

Easter... anyone?

''It's Easter once more. My youngest son said to me the other day, that the magic had gone out of Easter. It was just another day. Sadly I wondered when his boyish enthusiasum had waned and then I reasoned that at 17 he had other things to occupy his thoughts. That made me think of our heavenly Father and how sad he must feel when we loose the wonder and mystique of the real reason that we celebrate Easter. How He must cringe when He sees us wilfully forgetting that his son died a horrific death that we might be forgiven our sins, of which there are plenty.
Take some time this Easter to stop, kiss a friend, hug a child, smell the flowers, offer a lift, give some encouragement,just be there when you're needed, tell your husband/wife that you love them.
Love one another as Christ loved you"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Late Night Blogging -ain't it grand

Hello All! It''s 1.50am here in Eden and I am sitting in my little part of heaven - my office, with a tall cup of black coffee, my trusty lap-top and the twins(my two rag-doll cats) curled up together on the day bed. Now I ask you what more could a writer ask for? Only one problem, here I am blogging and I should be writing. My muse is getting quite irate, however I point out to her that there are only 24 hours in the day and until some bright spark comes up with a way of extending that allotted timespan,  I , a mere mortal have to work with-in the present confines.
As I sit here happily blogging away I wonder how many other mad bloggers are simultaneously tapping furiously away at their keyboards, and I wonder what passes through their minds. Why do they blog? What are they're expectations. I mean obviously we don't just sit here mindlessly tapping away with no means to an end-or do we?Care to share your reason for blogging? 
Tune into my next blog and I will share mine. Have to go now - coffee's cold!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I like to meet people- do you?

Hi everyone! I am new to this do please bear with me. This whole blogging thing is like starting school for the first time at the ripe old age of forty-plus plus. Yeah I am experiencing everything that a new student feels. Scared out of my brain, not sure that I am doing the correct thing, worried that I'll not use the proper etiquette and that is just a few insecurities.
Other than these issues I like to meet people and I think this is a really great way to do it. So with this in mind I begin my first real blog- hey who knows I may reach Justin Beeber status.